A Bear Thicket Original
lion heart Amos
This is the story of Amos and me,
a tale worth the telling as true as can be.
A small little tyke, so timid was he,
yet the heart of a lion he let me see.

He frolicked with passion, as if on a spree,
and patiently waited for playtime with me.
And later when tired, his head on my knee,
we pondered together life's mystery.

We walked in the fields, climbed up the trees,
and laid in the grass for blue sky to see.
We imagined all things that ever could be,
even some things that humans can't see.

We grew older together, him faster than me,
then fate finally beckoned for one to be free.
His health failed him quickly, and it came to be,
that suddenly he was gone for eternity.

So many memories he departed to me:
his little snub nose that held scar of a bee;
that entire night he spent up in a tree;
the loss of his brother when he was still wee.

Now a new journey begins and he takes the lead,
for I must stay with earthly duties to heed.
To my friend pure of heart, so brave of deed,
I not lastly, but fondly, bid you godspeed.